Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Lack of Digital Privacy Essay - 1031 Words

With everyone joining the online world your privacy is at even greater risk then ever before. The internet has become part of our everyday lives, from social networking to online transactions. Your privacy is threatened every day. However is our privacy threatened by our own government? According to the pew research data 56% of Americans say that it is acceptable for the NSA to run through millions of Americans phone records in order to prevent terrorism. (Pew Research Center) Many people still believe that the government has no business in our lives, yet many people including our government invade our digital privacy. Your online identity is important. The internet is used for many important things. There is a lot of†¦show more content†¦The NSA was founded on December 4th,1981 with executive order 12333. On July 31st, 2008 executive order 12333 was amended to intelligence reform and anti terrorism act of 2004. (NSA) NSA believes that it would be better to find terroristi c threats before they happen even at the cost of Americans freedom and right to privacy. However officials think is would be better to keep the right of privacy if it was to change the thought of innocent until proven guilty. (Christian Science Monitor) SIGNIT or signal intelligence is the program that the NSA uses to monitor phone signals. The government has other ways to invade your privacy also, by using online browser cookies. Cookies are text files stored within your browser. They store information and passwords so you do not have to renter them every time. Also they act as a tracker picking up on witch products you like to buy and provide relevant ads to your taste. Our government uses cookies to help identify potential hacking operations. The agencys internal presentation slides, provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, show that when companies follow consumers on the Internet to better serve them advertising, the technique opens the door for similar tracking by the government. The slides also suggest that the agency is using these Walter 3 tracking techniques to help identify targets for offensive hacking operations. (Soltani, Gellman, Peterson) There are alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Digital Of Digital Privacy1380 Words   |  6 Pages The term digital privacy can be defined as or explain as by using digital means protecting information of private citizens or business, In these days when people try to explain what is digital privacy mostly they refer to usage of internet or relate with it. This is the technology era, digital privacy is being discussed in related areas, and addressing related issues according in right direction drive towards solution and help to secure more data. 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