Friday, February 28, 2020

Faculty empowerment and the changing university environment Research Paper - 1

Faculty empowerment and the changing university environment - Research Paper Example As per traditional system of teaching, the duty of the teacher confined to the teaching process alone. However, the responsibilities of the current teachers are much more than teaching alone. Current teachers are perceived as leaders rather than mere teachers. Current teachers guide the students towards the target by adopting different strategies. Since the students have different abilities, it is difficult for the teachers to use a standardized way of teaching. The teacher should change his/her strategies based on the requirement of each students. In other words, current teaching strategies are student centered rather than teacher centered. Most of the teachers are unaware of these changes happening in the academic world and empowerment is the only way to educate teachers about their changing roles in the schools and colleges. â€Å"Educational leaders must evolve to meet the needs of both students and faculty because, faculty members struggle with changing curricula, non-tradition al learning environments and new technology. They need their leaders to assist them with the transitions† (Arenas et al, 2009). Science and technology have developed a lot over the last few decades and the effects of these developments can be witnessed everywhere. Educational sector is one area which undergone drastic changes as a result of the advancements in science and technology.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Assingment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Assingment - Assignment Example These include annolighting a text; annotating a text; frame of reference; key concept synthesis; and inferential reading (Greece Central School District). As mentioned above, the chosen lesson topic is the making of apple pie, and for this the plans for reading strategies before, during and after reading are straightforward. Before reading, the plan revolves around using the frame of reference strategy. This is to essentially contextualize the making of apple pie using my knowledge of other processes that are similar to making apple pie, to ground my thinking and relating processes. During reading, my chosen strategy is to annotate the text. This is to make sure that I cover all of the text, and not miss out on important points. Suggested texts here are the different recipes for making apple pie, from what geographies, and the inherent challenges in each set of recipes. Evaluation of learning here would be based on how well students are able to cover the many different details of the process. For after reading, the chosen strategy is Key Concept Synthesis. This is to make sure the students are able to grasp the big picture after absor bing the details (Greece Central School